Logistic Information

In Heidelberg

Get around Heidelberg

From the Frankfurt Airport

Heidelberg is about an hour away from Frankfurt Int. Airport. It is easily reachable by train or shuttle busses.
More information about shuttle busses:
- Non-stop airport shuttle service
- Door to Door airport shuttle service
- Low cost intercity bus

Public Transit

Trams and busses are available in Heidelberg and provide comfortable access to all venues. Get more information about
- Time schedule
- Map of public transport lines
- Tickets (only in german available)
The following tickets are the important ones:
- One day ticket (6,50€ (+2,70€ per additional person))
- City tarif (1,30€) between Main station and historic center
- Normal tarif (2,50€) provide access to Campus Neuenheimer Feld
(5 tickets for 11,90€ (2,38€))
You can buy the tickets online, at ticket machines, from the bus drivers (not in trams) or in ticket shops of DB or RNV/VRN.

Via Public Transit to the Venues

There are some useful train and bus stops which are good to know. Please check this map for more details.
Stops at the venues:
- Universitätsplatz is directly in front of the venue of day 1 and is located in the heart of the historic center. Available Busses: 31/32
- Bunsengymnasium is the nearest stop to the venue of day 2/3 and just a 2min walk away. The venue is directly behind the new Mathematikon-building. Available busses: 31, available trams: 21/24.

Information about Partner Hotels

NH Hotel Heidelberg

The NH Hotel is the "first choice" partner hotel and will be the speakers hotel.
It is located in the Bergheimer Str. 91.
Contingent name: COS Medaka
Booking number: MB0000964229
20 Standard Double rooms for single use including breakfast (for double use if needed – plus 19,90.- per night)
!!! NB: price for first night is lower than for the other two nights:
15.04.18: 121,05.-
16.04.18: 155,05.-
17.04.18: 155,05.-
For your reservation, please send an email to nhheidelberg@nh-hotels.com.

The Heidelberg Exzellenz Hotel

The Exzellenz Hotel is located in the Rohrbacher Straße 29.
Contingent name: COS Medaka
20 Rooms, reservation from April 15 (arrival) to 18 (departure)
10 EZ/Single Rooms: 89.- EUR
10 DZ/Double Rooms: 115.- EUR
all Doubles also usable as Single Rooms : 95.- EUR
All prices including breakfast
For your reservation, please send an email to info@exzellenzhotel.de.

Hotel Classic Inn

The Hotel Classic Inn is located in the Belfortstraße 3.
Contingent name: COS Medaka
12 rooms reserved
6 EZ/Single Rooms: 72.-€
6 DZ/Double Rooms: 89.-€
All rooms excl. breakfast, breakfast at 6.- EUR/day
For your reservation, please send an email to info@hotel-classic-inn.de.

Main Contributor

Major Sponsors